New York 2007

The working group activities were part of the 9th UNGEGN conference held between 21st and 30th of August in New York.


List of papers

Minutes of the WG meeting

Provisional agenda:

  • 1 Opening of the meeting
  • 2 Approval of the agenda
  • 3 Approval of the summary report, 6th meeting Prague
  • 4 Projects to be realized
  • 5 Next meeting
  • 6 Closure of the meeting


  • Alcázar, Adela (Spain)
  • Alniţei, Marin (Romania)
  • Azcabate, Margarita (Spain)
  • Brozović-Rončević, Dunja (Croatia)
  • Chetham, Christine (United Kingdom)
  • Choo, Sung-Jae (Republic of Korea)
  • Constantinova, Tatiana (Moldova)
  • Dragomirescu, Şerban (Romania)
  • Gounaris, Emmanuel (Greece)
  • Hausner, Isolde (Austria)
  • Hayakawa, Osamu (Japan)
  • Jaillard, Pierre (France)
  • Jordan, Peter (Austria)
  • Paikkala, Sirkka (Finland)
  • Päll, Peeter (Estonia)
  • Pokoly, Béla (Hungary)
  • Sievers, Jörn (Germany)
  • Stavropoulos, Alexandros (Greece)
  • Strautniece, Vita (Latria)
  • Syvak, Nina (Ukraine)
  • Woodman, Paul (United Kingdom)


Ad 1) Mr. Jordan as the co-convenor of the WG opens the meeting at 9 a.m. and welcomes the participants.

Ad 2) The provisional agenda is adopted.

Ad 3) The summary report of the 6th meeting in Prague had already been distributed to all participants in the Prague meeting as well as to all WG members well before this conference and is again distributed. It is accepted without any comment.

Ad 4) Mr. Jordan emphasizes that after having accomplished the tasks of finding new definitions for the exonym and for the endonym and of publishing the book on exonyms a new major project had to be initiated to justify the existence of the WG. He proposes to head at elaborating guidelines for the use of exonyms based on the acceptance of their functionality as well as respecting the goal of political sensibility. He also proposes to depart in this work from the paper he had presented in the conference (Criteria for the Use of Exonyms). While the first proposal is accepted without any objection, the latter arouses an extensive discussion. Major items coming up are the necessity of hinting at the precedence of endonyms over exonyms in all respects and the exclusion of some fields for exonym use at the very beginning of such guidelines. Agreement is reached upon the issue that exonyms were to be confined to domestic use and to less technical and scientific applications.

Ad 5) Based on an invitation extended to the WG already at its 6th meeting in Prague by Mr. Creţan (Romania) and on the confirmation of this invitation he had received from the Romanian delegation to the Conference, the co-convenor proposes to arrange the next meeting of the WG in Timişoara, Romania, and to schedule it for the 2nd week of September 2008. It is to be a 2 day’s meeting with the character of a workshop having the main task of drafting the guidelines mentioned before. The meeting will be accompanied by a one day excursion to minority villages in the surroundings of Timişoara. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the divisional meeting of the Romano-Hellenic Division. A workshop of the ICA Commission on National and Regional Atlases on place name use in atlases will very likely also be joined to the WG meeting.

Ad 6) Mr. Jordan closes the meeting at 10 a.m. and thanks all experts for participation.

Poster exhibition

Exhibition poster on the book on exonyms














Exhibition poster on the use of names on road signposts